Sunday, May 31


I was digging through some "old stuff", so to speak, a couple of days ago, and happened to stumble upon what is probably my dad's most treasured possession - my grandfather's old camera, a vintage Zeiss Ikon acquired circa 1948, that got to witness and immortalize pretty much all my dad's holidays while growing up. After being somewhat afraid at first to even touch something so precious, it occurred to me what a fabulous subject it would make, so I got around to playing quite a lot with it. Here's the first shot in what I hope to be a small series...

photography blog, black and white, camera, vintage, old, macro, lens


Alida Thorpe said...

Wonderful image! Good in B&W. Good Photo Friday entry (metal)!

I do want to comment on the fact that it looks stretched. Was that intensional?

Catalina said...

Hi! Thanks for visiting, and I'm really glad you like it!

About the stretch, I don't really know what to say. If it looks that way, it was definitely not my intention. Do you mean stretched as in disproportionate on one axis as opposed to the other, or as in digitally enlarged past its initial resolution?

Anyway, thank you for the comment. Any feedback is more than welcome.