Thursday, December 25

Four bottles of the Apocalypse

For some strange inexplicable reason, I've always been fascinated by the grungy, chaotic scenery of urban decay, and this town provides plenty of it, as long as you know where to look. The problem, however, is that you're usually likely to find more than just good photo opportunities in such places, and the expensive camera and dorky look don't do much for one's safety.

Which is why I was beyond delighted earlier this evening to find something along those lines, hiding in plain sight. If anyone has any doubts as to the integrity of the scene, I assure you the empty bottles were there to begin with. I found the entire decor simply too priceless to meddle with it.

So without further ado, I give you Urban Decay... with a twist.

Photography Blog, urban, decay, bottles

As a side note, I have now officially vandalized the first public place with one of my infamous stickers. I kept it decent enough, though, no harm done.


Anonymous said...

Now the feeling you caught in this picture is really interesting but i personally feel the need for a little more brightness in order to be able to pick up some of the details (i hope this is not because of my monitor settings or my overused eyes).

Catalina said...

First of all, thank you so much for the comment. This is the first actual critique I've received directly on the blog, so I'm quite thrilled.

Second of all, the photo was far from perfect, exposure-wise, to begin with, and there was only so much Photoshop could do for me. So yes, I basically messed it up in that aspect, but you know, live and learn. Thanks again.