Friday, November 21

The triumphant return...

...Exactly how triumphant we shall see after the exam results are posted.

Yes, my darling audience (do I have such a thing?), I return humble and apologetic after having gone A.W.O.L. for the past few days, due to circumstances beyond my control. Homework and exams, to be precise. Not that I would right now be in the clear, but I reserve myself the luxury of not working on Friday evening.

Have I brought any goodies, you ask? Hard to say, considering my camera is more or less in a state of hibernation these days, but fear not, I shall make up for it yet. In the meantime, I allow myself another moment to reminisce about my lovely lovely vacation this summer. And after all, what better defines a novice photographer's portfolio than the mandatory cliche sunrise/sunset?

Photography Blog, sunrise, sea, beach, sand, waves, cliff, tower, silhouette, contre-jour

Consider this my two cents on the matter, and accept my sincerest apologies. It won't happen again.

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